Counselling is talking therapy that gives us the opportunity to explore issues past and present that are having an effect on our lives. Our therapists will work with you, listen to you and help you make changes or improve your wellbeing. Wellbeing is about being comfortable, healthy and happy.
We have both male and female counsellors who are qualified or working towards qualification. They all have or are working towards at least a Diploma in Counselling. Basildon Mind is an Organisational Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). This means we work to the high standards set by the BACP. We have a diverse team of integratively-trained counsellors, including counsellors that speak different languages catering for clients from different backgrounds.
We provide counselling to adults, children and couples. We also offer a Private counselling service (£45 per hour).
Typically clients have 12, 50 minute long one to one sessions with their counsellor.
Our counselling service is self-funded. Counselling appointments are available as follows
Monday - Thursday 10am – 8pm
Friday - Saturday 10am - 2pm.
If you feel one of our counselling services could be of benefit to you or for further confidential information, please contact us on:
01268 284130, all calls are treated in confidence.